Great Scandinavian Road Trip: Day 19: The End
...Or at least the end aside from the drive home through Germany.
The last day of the trip started in Kalmar with a visit to the castle there. The castle seemed well preserved and, unlike the other castles during this trip, you could actually go out and walk along the walls.

From there it was on to Lund, where I had planned to visit the open air museum. Unfortunately, the parking system in the city was not being very cooperative, so I was only able to park long enough to take a quick look around without actually going inside anything.
The last stop was Malmo. Not too much to see in the center of Malmo, but on the outskirts there is the famous Turning Torso building. It's a strange name, but I guess they found it to be more interesting than calling in the twisty skyscraper building.

And lastly, one of the main items on the itinerary, the Copenhagen-Malmo bridge. The bridge is one of the longest in the world and links Denmark and Sweden, so that you don't have to take a ferry anymore. The bridge was nice and the view was great, but there wasn't a single area set aside for people to pull off and view it. Note to builders of major landmarks: Please include places for people to stop and view your landmark, maybe even put an information panel up to tell the story of it.
And so, the trip ends.
The last pics are here.