20 August 2006

Monoons, Prime Ministers, and Other Things

Among other things I saw my first Prime Minister today. They announced something to the effect of "Here comes Prime Minister, let's all give a big cheer for Jan Peter Balkenende," followed by utter silence as he drove by waving to the crowd. Thirty seconds the monsoon hit and we then see him racing by in the other direction, soaking wet and holding on for dear life as the car sped for someplace drier. This did inspire a big cheer from the crowd. Shortly thereafter I was unceremoniously soaked by the F1 safety car. Then a couple hours of random racing cars driving by. Unfortunately, I couldn't see very much, even when I fought my way up to the fence. Mostly, it was just very rainy. Then I came home. And that's my story.

05 August 2006

Big weekend news

The big and exciting news of the weekend is that I have finally gotten myself a kitchen timer! No more over/under-cooking of food!

03 August 2006

Wind, Part II

The wind really defies all reasonable laws of physics. Winds gale force 8, flags blowing northerly. Winds pushing me off the bike, southerly. Turn the corner and nearly get knocked over by westerly wind. This shouldn't be possible.

Unrelated deep question of the day: Why is english the only language with the concept of closing a door versus locking a door?