23 July 2008

Great Scandinavian Road Trip: Day 18

Today started off with the Swedish royal residence at Drottningholm. The palace was a lot like Versailles in its appearance and layout. It was larger and more lavish than the palace in Stockholm. The drawback was that since it is the actual residence of the King, much of it was closed off, even on the grounds.

From there it was to Skokloster, another palace. This one was smaller, but almost all the rooms were open for viewing. This palace was very well preserved and much of it was in its original state from the 1600s.

The last stop was Gamla Uppsala, home of the burial mounds of the ancient Swedish kings. There is not much to see today besides the obvious mounds. I had thought that maybe you would be able to enter some of them. I also learned that the 19th century method for archaeological exploration of the site was to bulldoze the mounds down (effectively) and see what was underneath. I think a little more care could be shown when dealing with ancient artefacts.

The outside of my room is also a dock.

The rest of the pictures are here.


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