Ankara and Istanbul
Yeah yeah, I know this is late, but I faked the date on the post, so that makes it ok.
I was asked on short notice to take a business trip to Ankara for a day. Unfortunately, I already had plans for the weekend following that, so I didn't have a chance to take any extra time while in Turkey. Getting to Ankara was a rush. My flight from Amsterdam was late, so I had to run from the international to the domestic terminal in Istanbul. I made it just as the flight was closing, and noticed my bosses weren't on the plane. So that meant I got to wait at the airport in Ankara for them to arrive. Ankara was a very modern looking city from what I could see. Wide streets, new buildings, and lots of traffic. On the return trip, we stopped in Istanbul for the night to catch an early flight back. Istanbul, seen from the air, is huge. It covers an enormous area. Of course, all I got to see was the hotel, then back to the airport and home again. But, another country to add to the list!