23 January 2007

Winter comes to Holland

It's official, winter has arrived. The thermometer in my car said 31deg and I saw snow in Utrecht earlier tonight. So winter is here. I suspect it will make a brief appearance and then skip spring and jump straight into summer.

11 January 2007


So for untold months, my frost-free refrigerator has not been exactly what you would call frost-free. That means that it kept building up lots and lots of ice on the inside that would need to be scraped off from time to time. Last night, I hear some funny sounds, but don't really think much of them. The next time I open the refrigerator, almost all the ice is suddenly gone. The funny sounds were bits of ice falling off as they melted. So I guess that means that the frost-free part is now suddenly working. What was so special about yesterday that it caused it to start working after not working for so long?

07 January 2007

Back in NLD!

After a couple weeks away I'm back and I have to say, everything looks exactly the same as when I left. Back to work tomorrow, let's hope the work year starts off well. I'm looking forward to getting back to work, let's hope work doesn't let me down. And, let's see if I can up my travel pace a little this year.

02 January 2007

Happy New Year Everybody!

Well, 2006 is gone and now it's 2007 and already I'm a day behind considering that I forgot to post this yesterday. Hopefully it will continue being a good year for people. It should be an interesting year. But, interesting, as we know, is one of those things that can go either way.

Not much to report from the vacation front, one day trip to do Skyline Drive (not at its best in December) & a trip to NoVa were it. Just a few days more before I head back and, strangely, I'm kinda looking forward to it.